Saturday, October 5, 2013

7 Quick takes

You know the drill, 7 quick takes with Jen.

1.We are dealing with a stage in our house that I have never dealt with before. Our little darling thinks she should receive Communion even thought she is almost two years away from her First Communion. None of my other children at age 6 were this way. I was thinking, it was because everyone else receives except her. But after Mass on Thursday when she walked right up to the priest and changed her hand position from folded to outreach,  I realized it just might be the fact she is a 6 year old girl related to me. I was 6 years old at Mass sitting by myself (my dad was usher that day) when the opportunity presented itself, and I took full advantage of the situation and received my "First Communion".

I was thinking that I might need to purchase this for M&M which apparently is the  full rage in Brazil right now for when we walk up to Communion. 

Of course my child is much smarter then me and she would probably just do this:

So for now, I am just the super crazy person, mumbling my way up the aisle giving my child the look.

2. At some point in my life you would think I would get smarter. Once again, I refused to listen to my body and am paying for it. With my exceptionally thick skull, and my inability to manage my own disease, I wonder how I am at all helping my children when it comes to them managing their disease themselves. Now that I think of it, my kids do a better job. 

3. Thursday was an awesome day! We spent part of the day at MOHAI. It took M&M only a second to understand the Pink Toe truck and start to giggle.

4. Thursday evening we strolled around one of our favorite stores, IKEA where we played our favorite game, "which couch".  To play the game, you must sit and test out everyone of Ikea's couches in the showroom and pick out your favorite. You then must be able to argue why your couch is the best for the rest of the evening while at the same time pointing out everything that is wrong with everyone elses choices. 

5. The first time in Barrett history we unanimously agreed on a couch. Unfortunately, it was not an Ikea couch, but the couch of Frasier Crane that was at MOHAI.

6. Speaking of Ikea. Is Ikea Swedish for: you can buy a lot of stuff for $50?

7. I left my personal tragedy for last. As you know, we are in the midst of the greatest season there is, Fall! When I went to replenish my supply of Maple Syrup for the ultimate Fall latte, I was told the store was no longer carrying it. 

UGH! How could this be? Why yes, it just might be a national tragedy of immense proportion. How can you have Fall without Fall flavors. What is next Halloween, pumpkins, Thanksgiving? Remember it is a slippery slope. 

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