Friday, September 13, 2013

7 Quick Takes Friday

1. My big shout out for the week, month year goes to Seattle Children's Hospital! There was a big somewhat major snafu with 3 of my children but it did not happen at Seattle Children's. I was able to call the patient advocate at Children's and over the course of the last month, Children's took care of everything. I cannot tell you how many times they apologized for what happen (even though technically they were not the responsible party). So thank you Seattle Children's. This is why we love you so much. Thank you for putting my kids needs first before policy. Thank you for treating my family has human beings and listening to a mother who only wants the best care for her kids. 

2. The school year is hardly off the ground, and I have already convinced my kids it is alright to play hooky. Sometimes in life you have to brace the 93 degree day that is thrown at you and just go to the beach. I am sure there will be plenty of days this winter to make up work. School work in my opinion is better learned when it is cold and rainy then hot and sunny. Yep, words to live by. 

3. Of course par for course which seems to be my annual tradition, I got sick for back to school. If you look at my history of being me, I am always sick around my birthday. I am not sure if it is the stress of my birthday or back to school. I missed the first week of kindergarten being sick, and first grade and numerous other "first" days. Nothing like starting the school year with breathing treatments and antibiotics. The bright side of all this, I am consistent. 

4. I was not prepared to hear from my little girl, "Mom we need a boat" approximately one million times in the last week. Of course I never called the fact that we have a fisherwoman in the family. Her eyes are all bright and shiny when she comes back from her early morning adventure with her dad, "we almost caught a fish". Of course I have no pictures to share of this because the camera is sitting on the table and I was curled up in bed thinking about dying or at least feeling like dying. 

5.I know we are really suppose to be heading into the fall, but I have a fun quick beach read:  My Father and the Books We Shared by Alice Ozma.

It is a terrific story father daughter story and their love of reading. I promise it is an easy read. I read it in one afternoon we spent at the beach playing hooky. I am a bit envious of the author and her father and their shared love of reading. It is something I have tried to pass onto my children. We read all the time. Reading is my life, so far only one really loves to read. The one who claims she cannot read. But I will persevere and will continue to read out loud to even the high school kids. 

6. We did have to cut our beach trip a little short. My youngest is given indication that she might be following in the footsteps with one of her brothers and adding another autoimmune disease. As we were driving home, inside, I was having a pretty big melt down trying to put all the facts together of M&M and symptoms, she was having. I was having my own personal whig out, the kind that I do so well. OMG! Not another child with another disease. How are we going to afford this. How is she going to handle it. Freak freak freak! When literally, in the middle of nowhere but houses, there was a sign that said:

Take a deep breathe
It clears the mind
It will do you good

Okay then! So that is exactly what I did. You know what? Everything will be just fine. We know what we have to do and we will get this child right back on track and looking over the course of the last week, I really think she got too much fructose.

7. I have not said a word. In fact I have been positive, have I not? But I just cannot help myself. WHO IN THE HECK ORDERED 93 degree weather for September. We live in the Pacific Northwest. I live here for a reason. You know what that reason is? There sure in the heck should never have 93 degree weather in September, inexcusable!!!  I will be make a note of this on any survey, I am given about the weather. I can hardly wait for the official start to Fall. 

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