Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Out of the mouth babes!

One of the big things I always "worry" about is that I am going to forget all the cute things my kids said and done when they were young. 

Yesterday, we were at church and M&M who is 6 told her Godmother, Trish that Quarter's birthday (Our oldest son) was on Wed. Trish asked M&M how old Quarter was going to be, and M&M replied 24. So I corrected M&M and said Quarter will be 23 on Wed. Without missing a beat M&M goes, "Well you are still not old enough to have adult children in my book". Why thank you, it is exactly how I feel too. 

Later at the dinner table while we were celebrating Quarter's birthday, it was brought to my attention that TFOLT had been telling everyone that Quarter was going to be 24 (Hmm could it possible be why M&M thought Quarter was going to be 24?). So I was teasing TFOLT and said is because you missed Quarter's birth, first birthday, second birthday, third birthday (he was in the Marine Corps at the time)? M&M piped up and goes, "that is not fair, daddy was in a war when Quarter was born". So I asked M&M if she knew what war TFOLT was in when Quarter was born. M&M paused to think about it and announced, "The Zombie War". Yep, that is exactly right. TFOLT was in the Great Zombie War of 1990. 

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