1. It has been forever and a day since I have been able to write or do anything for that matter. The good news is I seem to be on an upward swing, things are starting to fall in place (knock on wood). Not sure how much it played into my pain fatigue level but I had surgery last month where my muscle was reattached to my elbow and a few other things. It was discovered during surgery that I had an extra body part which was removed. How much the extra ligament played into what I have been going through who knows, only time will tell.
2. But..there always a but...I am seriously so behind on life right now. I have not accomplished much of anything lately. My short term has not been firing on all cylinders at all (no comments from the peanut gallery). Some days all I have managed is the very basic of living and cuddles lots and lots of cuddles with my favorite kiddos and fur kiddos.
3. It is good and bad not having your cylinders firing properly. Since I have not been able to accomplish anything, I am like 1 million chores behind (give or take 2) but lacking in the short term memory I would totally forget what I was suppose to get done, so no worries there. So in some ways lack of self awareness is a good thing.
4. I am at the point in my recovery where the memory is working again (thank you and good bye deliberating pain. I hope to never experience you again) but I am not 100% yet. I am suppose to stop when it hurts. I do not have time for this crap pain. My overachieving type B personality is not having any of this (yes B, stop laughing). I am reminded of James Martin, SJ in one of his books he talks about some debilitating pain he had in his wrist and how he was only able to write a maximum of 30 minutes a day. He learned to make the most of those 30 minutes and do what was important. I wish that I could report that yep, that was me only did the things that mattered. I made the most of what little time I did have maybe I am too hard on myself. Maybe doing nothing was important so I could heal.
5. My New Years Resolution has been a complete bust which is ironic since I love to read. My concentration level has been zilch, nada. Heck, I have even had a hard time concentrating on Bob Books. I did not dare tackle Dr. Sues over the last few months either.
It may have been said once, twice OKAY several times in our household that I might want to stop teaching for the day as I what I was saying and what was coming out of mouth were two different things. Really 2 plus 2 does not equal fish and I should stop insisting that it does. It is good thing that I have a really smart first grader, and she is not afraid to speak up when I have gotten things totally wrong. Hopefully I pray that I have not made too huge of impression on her.
6.I have managed to only read a few books over the last 4 months. I packed a book and the kindle for our flight across country and what did I do? Um, I might have spent the entire time watching home improvement shows. Having said that, the few books that I have read have been awful. Ironically, the books have been award winning, and everyone I have known to read the books loved I mean Loved with a capitol "L". At this point I am not sure if it is me or the books. Too be fair to all I need to reread. I cannot wait to read Jennifer Fulwiler's new book:
I have yet to read it. I am so excited to read it. Why have I not read it yet? I am scared that I will read it and hate it which is totally weird, but honestly read the above. The last few months I have hated everything. Again, I think it is because of the amount of pain I am in. I want to do this book justice and I just know it will be great.
7. Finally, it is May. I cannot believe we are talking the middle Spring already. Boy time flies.
May is Arthritis awareness month. Arthritis is a debilitating disease effecting over 50 million people in our country and 300,000 children. In my household, we have 4 children with JIA and I also have this disease. Wear blue for my family because no family should ever have
to go through this. No child should have to endure daily medication that leaves
them nauseated, makes their hair thin and fall out, head aches and
fatigue. No child should have to endure shots that leave bruises that never
quite heal. No child should have to endure hours upon hours in a hospital
getting a tri-weekly infusion that takes multiple pokes to obtain a site for
the iv. No child should ever have to go through any of these things just to
have the right to be able to play, the right to be able to go to school,
the right to be able to hang out with family and friends. Juvenile Arthritis
has robbed these kids of those basic rights. So please wear blue. Please
support my family because no one wants to see their child suffer.
I will leave you with my final take:
Do and Don’ts for Arthritis:
Don’t assume that because I look well I feel
well. Looks can be deceiving. Many days I look great but feel terrible.
Don’t tell me you know how I feel because you
DON’T. Two people with the same disease can feel totally different.
Don’t tell me ‘’it could be worse’’. Yes, it
could be but I don’t need to be reminded all the time.
Don’t be upset that you can’t ease my pain. It won’t
do any good two of us being miserable.
Don’t ask me how I feel unless you really want
to know. You may hear a lot more, than you are prepared to listen to.
Don’t assume because I did a certain activity
yesterday that and I can do it again today. Arthritis is ever changing. Each
day is different.
Don’t decide what I am capable of doing.
Arthritis does not affect the brain. Allow me to decide what activity I can
participate in. There may be times that I make the wrong decisions, and if I
do, I will know it soon enough.
Do learn everything you can about the disease.
The more you know, the better equipped you will be to know what to expect.
Do realize I am angry and frustrated with the
disease, not with you.
Do let me know you are able to help me when I ask.
I’ll be grateful.
Do offer me lots of hugs and encouragement.
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