Sunday, March 17, 2013

Saint Patrick's Day


I love Saint Patrick's Day. It is one of my favorite holidays. What is there not to love, the man drove the snakes out of Ireland. I am pretty much of the school that all snakes are evil and the planet is way to small for me and the snakes to coexist. I raise my cup to any man who got rid of such depraved creatures (Why yes, I do realize that the snakes represented the pagans of the time. Apparently you are not hearing me at all on this subject snakes are bad no two ways about it).

St. Patrick Day is a day for our family to reflect on who we are and where we came from. It gives a nod to Felix and Mary Mackin from County Down, Ireland, my great great grandparents. Without this couple, there would be no me. They make up a huge part of who I am, from my hardheadedness to being Roman Catholic and everything else in between. Traits that I proudly passed on to my own brood. They came to this country with nothing but their faith and little else. I pray, they are looking down from heaven with pride when they see what this family has become. 

HAPPY SAINT PATRICK's DAY, may your glass be ever full, May the roof over your head be always strong, And may you be in heaven half an hour before the devil knows you're dead.