1. How did it happen that I find myself once again on a Friday, the end of the week and I have accomplished nothing on my list or should I say lists. I need to start putting on my list, "keep kids alive", so I can check that off and feel accomplished. It is no small feat keeping everyone alive.
2. It is the start of a new school year. Nothing ever goes as plan. You would think 24 years in with this mom game, and I would have figured it out. I know that I just need to relax, and it will all work itself out, right? I said RIGHT?
3. Part of my problem is that I scheduled things on Monday. Not only did I schedule things on Monday, Monday is the busiest day for us of the week. One really has to question my sanity, since I normally prefer to ease into things. PJ Monday is a real tradition in our house. Man, I am hating on myself about letting that tradition go. PJ Monday you will be missed.
4. We started swim lessons up with earnest for M&M. Why yes, this is the first time she has gone. Why yes, she is 7 years old. Are you implying something? It is what it is. With the craziness of our lives and living at Seattle Children's Hospital we could not commit to anything, especially something that meets, gasp, twice a week. We will see if I can get back into the swing of things because as of right now my car only wants to head South to this place:
***I am eternally grateful that this place is in my back yard! So do not ever think I am hating on it.
5. So as I have said, M&M has started swim lessons. It is so great seeing my daughter following in my footsteps, NOT! I realized on Wednesday, that the whole bribing the kids thing I do, my mom did exactly once in my life with me (hmm it is a regular feature in our house). I had spent the whole summer, not putting my face in the water at swim lessons. This was sometime around 1977 when the pool in my hometown was outdoors. All my swim instructor wanted from me was to do a beaver dive off the side which required me to put my face in said water. If I could figure out away to accomplish what "they" wanted with what I was willing to do life would have been okay. What I heard being said was something on the lines of this: "you will dive off this 500 foot cliff into 3 feet of water". I think at some point my mom got tired of me hanging onto the side of the pool with death grip claws like my life dependent on it. So she said if I let go, and did the beaver dive, I would be the proud owner of a brand new doctor set. Oh man let me tell you about this doctor set. Only the finest that Kmart had to offer. State of the art technology in plastic could be found in that little blag bag including the bag itself. It had my name written all over it. As I remember that summer and that particular day, I did not let go nor did I do the beaver dive, but later that day I was the proud owner of that bag. Let me tell you this though, my daughter rocks! She did not follow totally in my foot steps, look what she did?

I am sure you heard the cheering from Heaven as M&M back floated for the required 30 seconds. She conquered her fears within 3 lessons.
6. I have been thinking that I might need my head examined because I am excited about this:
It just opened in my neighborhood, as in walking distance. Not just walking distance but the path out my front door leads right to it.
7. Having the above open in my neighborhood has lent itself to my long time running fantasy. The fantasy where I own one of these:
Could we actually say goodbye to the car? Could we become a one care family? These are all good questions. I would really like to try this experiment for a year and see what happens. As you can see also would have room for the Chunky Monkey.
P.S. If you are hanging around the good ole town of Lynden on Sunday, it is my dad's 80th Birthday. Stop in for the open house at Dutch Mother's on Front Street, and say hi or in this case Happy Birthday.